Tuesday, May 1, 2012

may flowers

I was in 3rd grade the first time I heard April showers bring May flowers.  After that, I decided May was my favorite month because flowers are pretty and no other month had a fun rhyme.  I liked it so much I  would tell people I was born in May (my birthday is in September).  I was weird kid.

Here are some of my favorite May flowers, blooming soon near you:

1.  Peonies - These are gorgeous in bud or in full bloom.  The pink ones are especially beautiful.
2.  Lilacs - The smell of these reminds me of my home in Minnesota.  There's a lilac tree right outside our house and the fragrance wakes you up in the morning and lulls you to sleep at night.  I like to keep a small vase of these on my bedside table.
3.  Hydrangeas - You get a lot of bang for with this flower.  They're perfect for single-flower arrangements in tall vases.
4.  Daffodils - This flower is the Miss Congeniality of May flowers.  They're just so friendly.  You can get them for about $2 a bunch.

Happy May!

1 comment:

  1. So, I've learned today that you were an odd child. Which really mak.es a lot of sense..
