Tuesday, May 8, 2012

the pomodoro technique

The pomodoro technique is a not-so fancy time management technique with a fancy name.  (pomodoro is the Italian word for tomato) All you need is a list of things to do and a timer.  Here's how I use the pomodoro technique at work:

I make a list of things to do.  These need to be things I can reasonably get done in a 25-minute work session without feeling rushed and still do a good job.

Once I have my list, I set the timer for 25 minutes and press start.  I usually also start a playlist on Spotify, too, just to make it that much more enjoyable.  Each 25-minute session is called a pomodoro.

I work on one thing from the list for 25 minutes, and ONLY one thing.  I don't do one slide in a presentation, then check my email or grab a cup of coffee.  I dedicate the full 25 minutes to concentrating on and completing one thing on the list.

After 25 minutes, the timer goes off and I take a 5 minute break.  I use that time to check and reply to email. Every four pomodoro sessions, I take a longer break.

If I've finished my task, I check it off my list.  I love this part.  Checking things off a to-do list is so rewarding!  If I didn't finish, I either take a few minutes to finish it, or, if it can't be completed in less than 5 minutes, I dedicate another pomodoro session to it.

I use my iPhone timer, but there are some great pomodoro apps and free timers to help manage your Pomodoro sessions, tasks, and even your interruptions and breaks.  I try to do four or five sessions a day, just so I can look down at the my to-do list and feel like I deserve a cookie.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I totally pomodoro at home when I need to clean. I set the timer for 15 minutes and race around trying to get as much done as possible. It's my secret happy place.
